Living and speaking for Jesus

Tag: sonship

Surviving exams (part one)

revision (n): the act of watching TV or messing around on Facebook with an open textbook nearby.

Your body feels tense, and your palms start to sweat. Your craving for ice cream reaches a new peak. Your hands start to shake from too many Red Bulls and a lack of sleep. Lecture notes from last term suddenly seem incomprehensible, and you develop an unhealthy fascination for daytime TV. There’s not a seat to be found at the library. The exam season has definitely arrived.

Some people seem to take exams in their stride. For the rest of us, they can be a nerve-wracking and horrible experience. A whole year’s worth of work condensed into three hours of frantic scribbling. How do we cope?

Perhaps you’ve always been a high achiever, and you’re suddenly faced with the prospect of failure. Your identity, your self-image, seems ready to crumble. Or perhaps you’ve barely scraped through, feeling out of place with all these clever people around you. You feel like a fraud about to be exposed.

Exams are about proving you have certain skills or know certain things, but we take things much further. We try to prove ourselves to our parents, to ourselves, to others – and to God. What if we can’t prove ourselves? What if the “expected” 2:1 isn’t going to happen? What if we have to retake an exam, or repeat the year?

With all these pressures and worries swimming around our heads, it can feel impossible to know where to begin. We procrastinate when we should be working, and feel guilty about not working when we should be resting. Things seem out of control, and we struggle just to keep our head above water. Everything else takes a back seat – exercise, healthy eating, spending time with God and his people.

What is the Christian response to all this? Here’s three truths to to encourage ourselves with:

You are a child of God. Christians are much loved children of a heavenly Father. The Father loves you even as he loves Jesus (John 17:23). You don’t have to be a high achiever. Your identity is not in your degree. Your place in the family is secure. You are a child of God.

Your Father is in control. Not only is God loving, but he is also powerful. Not only does he care for you in the midst of exams, but he is using them for your good. Things may seem chaotic, even hopeless – but God is using all of it to shape you to be more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29). You don’t need to worry – your Father is in control.

You don’t have to earn his love. You don’t have to prove yourself. Pass or fail in these exams, the one verdict on you that ultimately matters has already been given (Romans 8:1). Your achievements never made God love you, and your failures won’t stop him either. His love for you is all of grace. You don’t have to earn his love.

Next time we’ll look at how we can apply these truths in the midst of the stress, as well as some practical tips for the exam period.


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1a)

By nature, we are his enemies: souls turned inwards, away from his light. Our hearts are hard; our minds are closed; our wills are bound. Lost, in darkest night, thinking we know the way home. Slaves to sin, and slaves to our own efforts. Captured.

In Christ, we are his children: souls looking outwards, reflecting his glory. We have new hearts; we have renewed minds; our joy is to do his will. Rescued by one who descended into the valley of death to bring us home to our Father. Sons of righteousness, our love a response to his love poured into our hearts. Captivated.

We are sons. Not because God is sexist (after all, men are also called the “bride of Christ”) but because we share the very sonship of the Son himself. Jesus shares with us what is his: not just a right standing before God, but his own perfect relationship with his Father. “You have loved them, Father, even as you have loved me.” No room for boasting: men, women, rich, poor, public sinners and hidden Pharisees, we are all utterly depraved yet amazingly loved.

Worried? Take heart: it is your Father’s delight to give you the kingdom. Despairing? Your Father has given you new birth into a living hope. Lonely? Know that you’re part of a Royal Family of eternal fellowship. Guilty? Your Father sets his love on the unlovely, and sent Jesus to take your sin away.

Adopted. Brought near. Carried into the Father’s presence. Dearly loved children of Almighty God. That is what we are!

(Reflections from Transformission 2012; download the talks for more.)

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