As ever, beautiful and poignant words from Cat Hartley:
The night that Berenger died was hot and sleep was scarce. I read Psalm 139 and was struck by two things: God has many many thoughts about us and he has all of our days mapped out for us, already. It’s an amazing combination of intimate concentration and attention to detail. He is in no way detached, he knows all of our days – but this does not make us old news. He still thinks about us. I guess it’s like being in love, when your thoughts gravitate towards a person again and again, not to get new insights or information, but because you really love them. Because thinking about them brings a smile to your face. Then in the morning, my phone flashed with a tear-choked voice mail message. Berenger’s days had been way shorter than any of us had thought.But not God.
Do yourself a favour and go read the rest here.