Emma Scrivener has the wonderful testimony of a friend of mine on her blog today. Click the title above for more, but here’s an excerpt:
When I was 14 I became very unwell with anorexia. I didn’t know Jesus’ love so I focused my energy into school and exams interspersed with stays in hospital, and managed to get good A levels and escape to Bristol for university. However at the end of my first year I had to go into hospital again for another few months. Ellie and Cathy had taken me to church a few times, but I thought like all uni friendships that this wouldn’t last, and that they would realise that I am not worth bothering with. I thought that they would see me as a complete failure for not being well. But, praise God, this wasn’t the case.
I was thrilled to be at her baptism earlier, and so very thankful for God’s grace in her life (and through her to others). He is very good.