Helpful reflections on the Howard Guinness quote:
[S]acrifice is more than just central to the atonement; it takes us to the heart of God himself. Jesus’ self-sacrifice for our sakes demonstrates his love for us, and so reveals the character of God—namely that God is love (1 John 3:16, 4:9-10).
Moreover, since God’s people are to reflect his character, Jesus’ sacrifice reveals the way to live as the redeemed and loved children of God (1 John 3:16, 4:11-12). We sacrifice not in order to earn salvation, nor because sacrifice is intrinsically valuable, nor merely because it is demanded; instead, it is our free response to God’s loving sacrifice towards us, and the way in which we follow Christ and image God in the world as we pursue his kingdom and purposes.
But if sacrifice is so fundamental to Christian life, why does it characterize our discipleship so little?
A good diagnosis which helpfully ends with a reminder that it is the Spirit that grows a sacrificial spirit within us. Worth a read.